Getting new caravan mattresses for the kids

We’ve replaced the caravan mattresses for our kids, and in this post we cover what we bought, where it came from, why we did it and plenty more. By the time this comes out our big lap of Australia will be in full swing, and these will be getting used full time.

Up until now, our youngest boy (nearly 4) has always slept on the factory Café seats in our Lifestyle Reconn R2 Hybrid Camper Trailer. They are nice, long, flat cushions and it’s worked well.

However, with the increasing chance of a toilet accident on the road Sarah pointed out we should probably look at a proper mattress that we could remove and clean if needed, given you are unable to remove the cushion without literally unbolting and unscrewing a heap of fasteners.

Cooper is also starting to get a bit heavier now, and I wanted every opportunity for the kids to get a good nights sleep, and a more comfortable mattress can only help this.

Our older boy has always slept up top on the ‘bunk’, but the mattress was fairly thin, and not as wide as it could have been. He’s never really complained about it, but of course the moment we got a new one for Cooper it suddenly became uncomfortable. Funny how these things work!

Regardless, we were considering getting one for him too, and when we stumbled across a decent deal, we headed back a few days later to pick up a second mattress.

Kids mattress for the camper
Getting another mattress cut to size

Where did we get the mattresses from?

All of the research we’d done pointed towards Clark Rubber for camper and caravan mattresses for kids, so we headed in. Sarah had found a mattress online that suited, but when we asked the sales guy suggested we get a different product cut down, because it was cheaper, and the same foam.

As it turns out, they get these mattresses in bulk with a protective cover on them, and you can get them to trim them down to whatever size you want, for no extra cost.

The bottom mattress is much larger, as the bed is longer and wider, and the top one is around 600mm x 1750mm.

The protective cover obviously no longer fits properly when you’ve trimmed them down, but its easy enough to pin it back, or sew it smaller if you are so inclined to do. The foam cut off is also yours to take if you want it, although we chose to leave it and have the proceeds go to charity.

What did they cost?

Each mattress was $84.95, which is pretty decent considering they cut it down for you, and you get the protective cover.

Bedding and protection

Sarah spent a long time looking at different options for our beds, and eventually we settled on an Oztrail sleeping bag for both boys, a mattress protector and a fitted sheet that we had modified to fit.

Yes, there’s other options, and you can spend a heap of money on it if you really want. We’ll see how this goes, and if its no good, we’ll change it for something else.

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