Camping with Kids
Camping with kids can be one of the most rewarding, frustrating and entertaining experiences you’ll ever do, and often with all emotions within a single day. We’ve got two boys at 3 and 5 years old and whilst we have a heap of fun together as a family, it can be pretty challenging at time.
Camping Etiquette with Kids
Taking kids camping can be one of the most challenging but rewarding things you’ll ever do, and it provides a huge number of benefits. However, there’s some unwritten (and sometimes written) rules and suggestions that you should follow to keep everyone happy. Here’s what you need to know.
Camping with a toddler; 35 ways to make it easier
Camping with young kids is difficult. There’s no sugarcoating it. You’ll have an absolute ball at times, and at other times you’ll be pulling your hair out and wishing you’d stayed home. It’s just how it is. Toddlers are often challenging at home, and it can be even more difficult when you are camping with them. On the flip side, it can be truly amazing too, so don’t rule it out.
What changes when camping with young kids?
Camping with young kids is hard. Seriously hard. I won’t sugarcoat it in any way, shape of form. The difference between camping as a couple (or solo), and camping with a young kid or more than one is chalk and cheese.
There are a lot of changes that take place, and I can personally guarantee its a bit of a shock. That said, you can take young kids camping, and you can have fun with the right attitude, expectations and gear!
How to travel long distances in a car with young kids
Every parent loves to spend hours in the car with their young kids, right? Haha. Australia is a big place, and to see it you have to cover a lot of ground. In this post, we cover some tips to make travelling longer distances with young kids bearable!
10 reasons why you should take your kids camping
Kids love camping, and as it turns out there can be some pretty significant benefits for them, and for a family as a whole. If you haven’t taken your children camping lately, check this out!
What’s the best age to travel with kids?
Wondering if there’s a better age to travel with your kids? We’ve been doing it since they were babies, and our oldest is nearly 6. I reckon we are nearing on the best time to travel with them, and here’s why.
The Lap of Australia is harder than it looks
There’s a strange façade that exists, which implies that the moment you head off on your lap of Australia its all sunshine and roses, and the reality is very far from this. Want to know what its really like to travel Australia? Check this out!
What’s the challenges of travelling and camping with kids?
Kids are hard at home, and that doesn’t change when you head away travelling and camping. Here’s some of the challenges you’ll experience, and how you can deal with it all.
Caravan Parks and kids; they rip you off
Want to get reamed? Go and stay at many caravan parks in Australia with kids, and see what they charge you. The costs for families with young kids are truly astronomical, and we won’t pay it.