Renogy Lithium Battery Settings; are they correct?

After getting our Renogy Rover 60 solar controller wired up to 600W of solar panels on the roof, I noticed very quickly that the lithium batteries were spending a lot of time at 14.4V, which I thought was a bit strange, being higher than a lithium battery would normally float at.

I’m used to seeing the voltage go high, then back off and sit at a lower level until they are drawn off a bit, and then start charging again.

Looking into it a bit further, I clarified that the Rover 60 MPPT solar controller was set to a lithium battery profile, and that it had a number of settings that you could access.

However, some of these are locked, and what would you know, but the float voltage is locked at 14.4V. Hmm, that can’t be right?

Renogy 60 factory lithium settings
The factory lithium profile settings in the Renogy Rover 60 Controller, viewed through the DC Home app

Lithium battery float voltage

A 12V Lithium battery is a pretty amazing bit of equipment, but to get maximum life out of them, they need to be charged with the right profile, and left in a suitable state.

Keeping them full all the time (or even a lot of the time) is not a good idea, and 14.4V is almost as full as you can get. If they are left full and not charging you don’t have an issue, but sitting at 14.4V with charge on was a guaranteed way to reduce the lithium battery lifespan, according to a heap of different places online.

I could see the charge was tapering off at 14.4V, but it never had a chance to drop; even when the fridge came on drawing 60 watts, the solar would just soak it up and keep the batteries at 14.4V, all the way until the sun went down and the batteries finally had a chance to discharge a little.

I wasn’t overly happy about this, as our batteries on the road in good, sunny conditions get full around mid day, which means they spend a number of hours sitting at 14.4V, and this would ultimately lead to a shorter lifespan. It won’t kill them, and isn’t an immediate, or major problem, but its not the right float voltage.

I looked online and found a number of discussions that were similar in nature, with Renogy saying that 14.4V was the correct voltage, or that its been removed from their recommendations altogether, and thought I’d flick them an email to find out more.

Emailing Renogy

I sent off a case to Renogy, and received a vague response about lithium batteries not needing a float phase. I then entered into more detail, and received a further response saying that its the correct parameter, and that the battery BMS would protect the battery.

Whilst this is partially correct, the BMS doesn’t regulate the charge, and doesn’t really care about the long term lifespan of the battery.

It’s there to protect the cells from charging or discharging too quickly, or hitting voltages that it shouldn’t get to which cause damage, not for stopping the battery sitting at full all day long; that’s what your solar regulator is supposed to do.

Dissatisfied with their answer, I proceeded to continue looking into options on my own.

Can you adjust the settings?

I spent a long time looking at the various settings. On the DC Home app, which is the latest Renogy Bluetooth app you can see your systems, but you can’t make changes to the Rover 60 setup via the app.

On our Isuzu Dmax, we have a 50 amp DCDC from Renogy which you can also see on the app, and you can change the battery type, how much charge goes into the battery at maximum and a few other parameters, so why can’t you do it on the Rover 60?

For me, what was most annoying is that I’ve installed the Rover 60 in a location that requires half of my storage to be removed to get to it, which I did, and attempted to drop the boost voltage down (which is one of the few parameters you can change), but that day I saw the battery hit 14.4V again, and stay there for a long time.

It appeared that to make it float at a lower voltage, the lithium profile in the Rover 60 just wasn’t going to work.

My only option then, was to unpack everything and manually move it to the USER setting and set each parameter manually, or find a way of doing it via an app.

Float voltage is locked
The float voltage is locked, and cannot be adjusted in the lithium profile

I then asked on the Renogy users Facebook group, and had a reply from a helpful bloke who said you can adjust the settings using the app.

I spent ages trying to find how to do it, until I read that it can be done using the Renogy BT app, which is different to the one I’d been using.

There’s two apps

Put simply, Renogy has two apps that you can use. Both will connect to your Bluetooth, and give you the information that you need, but only the Renogy BT app has the ability to change settings, if you enter a password as an admin.

To be fair, the newer app (DC Home) is much easier to read and navigate, but not so good if you can’t adjust any settings with some of their units!

Renogy apps
There’s two apps you can use, but only one can adjust settings (and has been discontinued!)

The Renogy BT app has been discontinued, and Renogy have moved onto their DC Home app, but you can still use both (just not at the same time).

After downloading the BT app, I was able to connect, then hit the + sign and a password as an admin (135790123), and then change the battery profile to USER (custom setup) and you then have full ability to change all of the parameters.

Renogy BT adjusted settings
Now on the USER setting, with custom parameters entered
New settings on the DC Home app
Once you ‘set’ the new parameters, you can see them in the DC Home app

You can do this from the controller itself

Again, this could have been done from the controller, but you have to take it off the lithium battery setup, and move it to the USER function, and then set all of your parameters, which is a bit average.

For me, I’d have to unpack everything which is a pain, and its nice to know I can do it from my phone if needed.

Realistically, you shouldn’t have to do this; if you set it to a lithium profile, it should use the most suitable settings for a lithium battery, and my understanding is that Renogy haven’t quite got this nailed.

We’ve gone against the information from Renogy

In general, I’m a stickler for doing things by the OEM recommendations, and don’t like to go against what they say.

However, looking online running the battery at 14.4V for extended periods is not good for them, and there were some comments that made me question Renogy’s technical replies in terms of them being very generic, so I’m happy to run the batteries at some more mild settings in the hope that it will give a longer battery life.

I don’t understand why the settings are different; I never see our Dmax battery go over 14.2V, and yet they are two Renogy products; why do they have different settings, and in effect different lithium profiles?

DCDC settings from Renogy
The DCDC lithium profile settings are very different, from a 50 amp Renogy unit

Will this affect our warranty?

If we have any issues with our two 170aH Renogy Lithium Batteries, and have to send them in for a warranty claim, is this going to hurt our ability to claim from them?

I hope not, but you never know. Either way, it seems like a sensible decision.

Lithium battery install
Hopefully we don’t have any dramas with warranty, if it arises

Is this a good move?

If you’ve got a Renogy charger, and want to know how to change the settings to something else, this should have made things clear. Do you agree with the Renogy settings, or have we done a good thing?

Are we happy with Renogy?

In the grand scheme of things, this is fairly minor, but it seems frustratingly daft of Renogy. We’ve got a heap of their gear, and have had no issues at all with it, and in fact are seriously impressed with it overall.

It’s getting extensively used full time on the road right now, with two 170ah Renogy Lithium Batteries, the Rover 60 MPPT regulator, 50 amp DCDC, two Bluetooth modules, a 2000W and 3000W inverter, 600W of caravan solar panels and a 500A shunt, and this is really the first gripe (and its a minor one) that I’ve had with Renogy.

In fact, we’ve done a post on the Renogy Solar Panel Review which was also very positive.

Thankfully there seems to be a solution; I was just about ready to give up and leave it as Renogy had it set up.

Will I regret it? Time will tell! What do you reckon? Hopefully if you’ve been struggling with this you’ll also be able to make your own adjustments!

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  1. Hey mate,

    Interesting information, and thanks for taking the time to share it.

    I find it fascinating that every lithium profile, and ultimately lithium battery is ‘different’ in their recommendations or specs. You’d think that these things would be standardised by now.

    I will have another look at our system this arvo when it finishes charging, but it seems to go from 13.7V to 14.3V fairly quickly, and then drops back off to 13.6 until we use more appliances.

    Either way, its annoying that these things are not plug and play, like they should be.

    I’m happy with our Renogy gear overall, but we have a fair bit of it and haven’t had too many dramas overall.

    Hopefully you get it sorted
    All the best

  2. Genuine Van Life says:

    After trying out a lot I still had issues with your charge profile. What I think is happening is that the battery voltage coming from the battery is not indicative of the charge state, however the Rover uses this to decide what to do.
    Also I noticed that there is a difference between the actual battery voltage on my shunt/volt meter, and what the display on the Rover reports (when there is load).
    So if I put 14.0 as Boost Charge Voltage, when there is load on the system it works fine. Note that the Rover is then seeing 14.0, but the actual voltage on the system is 14.2 or maybe even a bit higher.
    Then when I switch off the load (something that would happen later in the day for example, when batteries are almost full), the battery voltage increases, and the Rover pushes it over the max charge voltage, and then gives an overvoltage warning and my battery BMS intervenes.
    So right now I’ve lowered the Boost Charge voltage to 13.8, which seems to work fine. I’m not spending eternal time in boost at 2A charging like when I put the Boost Charge voltage at 13.6 so the battery is actually getting full.
    Downside is that now the battery is full but it’s sitting there at 13.9V.

    So I think every combination of Rover + Battery + BMS will be different and you have to experiment a bit, but so far only the Boost Charge Voltage had to be set different in my case.

    When I bought my Renogy stuff I was kind of happy, but now less and less.

  3. Hey mate,

    Yep, you don’t really want the BMS having to deal with the problem though. I’ve actually had a new instance of when this might have kicked in, when I used an AGM 240V battery charger on these batteries in a caravan park, and forgot about it. The charger went into equalisation mode, and was trying to push 15 + V into the battery, which is certainly not ideal.

    I normally unplug it way before it gets full, but forgot about it on this instance.

    See how you go with the settings, or you can change them to suit

    All the best

  4. Genuine Van Life says:

    Yes the battery BMS would ‘shut don’t by giving an overvoltage. I guess this is how BMS signal to the charge device to stop charging. It would go up to as high as 20V. The rover would give overvolt error. Stop charging for a second and then start pushing too much current again.
    I contacted the battery manufacturer (Power Queen)and they said this is not healthy. So I tried some of my own settings. So far they worked fine with the battery full all the time but today using my hot water boiler it would not really charge in boost mode so now I’m trying your exact settings.

  5. Hey mate,

    Good to hear the post was helpful. What battery are you running, and did the BMS shut it down?

    It’s frustrating that the factory Renogy lithium profile is so wrong.

    Hopefully you’ve got it sorted now
    All the best

  6. Genuine Van Life says:

    Stumbled across your site while searching to solve an issue with my Renogy.
    On the lithium profile it would overcharge my battery which would disconnect.

    Be default the charge limit on the lithium profile is 15.5, which is silly because normally batteries have 14.4 to 14.6V max charge limits.
    You can’t change this in the profile.

    Also what happened in my case is that the Rover kept pushing MPPT mode, and would not trigger boost mode. With your help I have set it so that boost mode is triggered when the battery return voltage is 13.3 (which is 90% for my battery SoC) and it will charge at 13.6.

    I’ll try out a higher charge voltage as the battery manufacturer says 14.4 is fine also. So this will hopefully charge the battery faster.

  7. Hey Petrovski,

    Yep, that’s an interesting anomaly, and one I don’t really understand. Why would two Renogy products have a different lithium profile?

    I haven’t really looked at stages whilst the batteries are charging, except for the voltages, and it seems all OK. The battery charges up to 13.8V fairly slowly, then jumps quite quickly up to 14.2 and 14.4, and then after a bit floats back at 13.6V. Interestingly our Enerdrive DCDC stops putting charge in at about 13.9V.

    Like you say, ideally you’d have the float and equalisation settings off

    All the best

  8. Petrovski says:

    The equalise and boost settings in the user settings don’t seem to be able to be left blank. How does the charger handle these settings when the lithium battery does not need this, as demonstrated in your DMAX settings?

  9. Hey Leigh,

    Yep, there’s a few weird things going on with their settings I reckon.

    Take care

  10. Leigh Phillips says:

    Interesting that there is no absorption setting in the Renogy unit, generally when charging Lifpo4 batteries the absorption phase will be set at 14.2 to 14.4 for fixed time 1 – 2 hrs or until tail current falls to around 2 amps per battery, this gives full charge to each battery

  11. Hey Ben,

    I’m not an expert in this field, but have just shared what we’ve learnt. My batteries still go to 14.4V (that’s teh boost setting), but almost as soon as it hits this they drop back to the 13.6V float setting, and stay there until a bit of battery power is used, and then they start charging again.

    I’m much happier with this

    All the best

  12. ben cartwright says:

    Hi there, Interesting on the charging voltage and floating voltage recommened by renogy, i just got the smart 100ah battery and was also advised that 14.4v is correct but reading online seems high like you mentioned. what have you settled on for ur settings, im thinking 14.4 v for charging to balance cells and 13.5v for floating.