Replacing a Broken Camec Door Handle

Broken your Camec Caravan door handle? You’re not alone! Here’s how you replace them, and what to look for.

Not long into our lap of Australia, I began to wonder how long it would be until we broke the door handle on our camper. It wasn’t because we’re rough with it, but I just figured a piece of plastic that gets used 20 – 30 times a day (and maybe even more) would eventually fatigue, and fail.

In true style, I didn’t bother doing any research on the door itself, and we made it about 5 weeks before the door lock started to play up a bit.

It wouldn’t fall down properly when you locked the door, and sure enough, not long after I noticed that the handle had snapped.

Broken Camec Door Handle
I was expecting this to break eventually, and it did

Fortunately, it was still in place, and could still be easily used, but I was a bit worried about where we’d get one from, and we were already a good hour away from Port Augusta which would be the most likely place.

I looked online, and rang a number of places, with some being quite helpful, and others being a total waste of time. A caravan repaired in Port Lincoln had them for $54 each, and I could see the genuine ones retailed for $39 online, with some likely non genuine ones on eBay for $17.

It was easy to identify; the door had stickers on it showing an Odyssey door, and a quick Google confirmed that they were a Camec product, and that you could easily buy a door handle that was supposed to fit all types.

In the end, I put an order through Outback accessories with Express freight for two, delivered to some family in Port Lincoln for $74.

That night, the handle fell off completely and with just our 3 year old inside the camper, I wondered if we were about to be challenged even further. Fortunately, it just pushed back in again and we were very gentle with it for the next week until we got to our Port Lincoln Camping destination.

Camec door handle replacement
Our new door handle replacement

Replacing the Camec door handle

After downloading the instructions online, and watching a video on YouTube I was fairly confident that I could swap the door handle over without too much of a problem, and was pleased to have the new handles in my possession.

We decided to keep one as a spare, and replace the broken one as I guarantee its going to happen again.

The actual handle replacement was really easy, and took maybe 5 minutes to do, and that’s with me not putting the spring in properly and having to re-do it.

New Camec Door Handle
The new door handle was easy to install, but watch the spring is pulled back properly
Door handle replacement
The door handle pulled apart, and ready to replace the handle

Our kids are at the age where one can easily open the door on his own, and the other can stand on his tippy toes and just wobble it, but not quite get it to open.

They probably contributed to its demise, but that’s what you get with young kids. All good, and another thing learnt on our lap!

Now, after a year on the road, I can feel some play in the new handle again, and I wonder how long until we have a Camec door handle broken again. At least we have a spare, ready to go if needed!

New door handle working
The new handle works perfectly, and we have a spare

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  1. Hey Trevor,

    I’ve met heaps of people who’ve snapped them; it seems pretty common. Good call with the wire; never know when you’ll need it

    All the best

  2. Trevor McDonald says:

    great overview , we snapped our handle on a short trip ,replaced when you we got back , just a am as ‘ll tip , always carry some wire on trips , can get you out of trouble lots of times .