Ledge Point; a great coastal town near Lancelin
Ledge Point is a small fishing town located 120km north of Perth. It is just a few kilometres south of Lancelin, which is another fishing town, slightly bigger and more populated.
Over the last few years Ledge Point has become more and more developed with new shops, cafes and stores to provide for the growing need.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s a small town but there are new houses that are going up every day. It’s the sort of location that gets overlooked because Lancelin is bigger in terms of both shops and things to do, but it’s still well worth the visit.
Being so close to Lancelin you can stay in Ledge Point and drive up each day if that is what you choose to do.

What’s the best way to get to Ledge Point?
Driving to Ledge Point is a piece of cake. You simply need to drive north along the Mitchell freeway, and turn right when it ends. First left puts you onto Joondalup Drive, and then you turn left onto Wanneroo Road.
Follow that road for about 80 kilometres, and then you turn left onto Ledge Point Road (there’s a big sign and it’s quite obvious!). If you get to Lancelin, you have gone too far!

Ledge Point Accommodation
Ledge Point Accommodation ranges from holiday homes to the Caravan Park. A large number of the houses that you can rent out are on a small block and are double storey.
Also, as there are fewer visitors, the rent is considerably cheaper. I stayed in a house at Ledge Point with 7 others and it cost us $30 a night each, which is pretty good when you consider the price jump if you head further north.

Also, with a brand new house, sauna, spa and pool, who’s complaining! There is a caravan park which you can stay at as well which has the usual camping grounds, chalets and studios.
This park looks very nice to stay at, so this is an alternative if you are interested. Of course, Camping is always the cheapest option, but you might like to upgrade!
Ledge Point Golf Course
Ledge Point has a big Golf Course which offers amazing views over the ocean. Not many people get to play golf with that sort of view!
It costs $10 for members and $15 for non-members. There is also a driving range where you can go wild with as many balls as you want! There are sponsored days where you can compete with the locals, or you can just enjoy a calm and peaceful game during the week!

Ledge Point Ship Wrecks
There are a number of ship wrecks that are available for diving on if you feel the desire to jump in the water. The most known wreck is the Key Biscayne, but you can also dive on the JP Webb, Manakoora and Gilt dragon.
The Key Biscayne is located in 40 metres of water which limit’s it to experienced divers only. The other wrecks can be found a bit closer in to shore in shallower water.

Of course, picking the right day to go for a dive will make it a great day or a waste of time! If you have never tried snorkeling or scuba diving though, I would strongly recommend it. There is so much to see underwater, and given that more than half of the world is water you really should take a look!
What else can you do?
Like Lancelin, Ledge Point is home to a huge number of Cray boats. You can easily get a feed of crayfish if you know where to go, and having a boat is often a huge help.
Fishing at Ledge Point is also quite good, but again, you need to pick the right day and time. You are allowed to drive on the beach, but it can be quite soft and boggy in spots. I have also driven from Lancelin to Ledge Point along the beach.

I would also highly advise taking a look at the sand dunes in Lancelin, as they are impressive and can provide a lot of entertainment.
You can hire out motorbikes, go sand boarding or even go in a monster truck tour in the dunes! Another very popular option is to visit the pinnacles, which are further north in Cervantes. They are an amazing natural wonder.
Wedge Island
If you have a four wheel drive, you can drive from the Lancelin dunes to a small island known as Wedge Island. Many people have little houses there, or nicely done up sheds for weekend stays. Wedge Island is worth a look, but be sure to take care on the beach.
A number of cars struggle along that beach especially if the tide is up. For those who are not so confident then new highway and gravel track off it is your best bet. Take a look at my Wedge Island post for more information.

Ledge Point Off-road area
Something that is quite attractive to those who own motorbikes is the off-road area that can be found along Ledge Point Road. It’s just a series of tracks that go through the bushland. Some of the tracks have little jumps, a heap of bumps and all sorts of terrain.
You can be driving over rocks one minute and then sand the next and up and down little quarries. It’s a great place to spend the day if you have a motorbike.
You need to be wary of other riders though, as they don’t all ride the same direction
and the tracks are quite narrow. Quad bikes and two wheelers are quite commonly seen every day of the week. Given that there are very few motorbike area’s close to Perth, this is well worth a look. There is also one located on Thomas road, in Kwinana.

Sometimes I find even Lancelin gets too busy. If you are looking for a place that is still as enjoyable but doesn’t have the price tag and so many people, then Ledge Point is probably a good option.
There is still plenty to do, and if you get good accommodation, very relaxing. A large number of people are moving up there to retire because it’s cheap, not widely known about and a great place to live.

Hi Sam,
I haven’t done this for many years, but it was only possible to drive south from Lancelin down to near Ledge Point, and then it was blocked off.
I assume you won’t be able to drive north from Ledge Point still
Take care
Is it still possible to drive on the beach all the way from Ledge Point up to Lancelin?
Hi Amber,
Not that I know of. The closest place north on the beach you can camp is Sandy Cape, or the new DPAW site near Wedge Island.
All the best
Hi there,
Just wondering if your allowed to camp on the beach or in the dunes?
Thank you
G’day Brad,
I haven’t been on the beach near Ledge for some time. Last time, you could drive from Lancelin all the way to Ledge Point but not onto the carpark (blocked by rocks). You could also drive south of Ledge Point from the carpark
Enjoy mate
Hi Aaron,
So is there still access to the beach through Ledge? if so, any chance you coudl articulate where that occurs? I thought that beach access was banned or something like that.
Thanks Sue!
great site love it,Katie ledge point has a shop and country club,Dr’s,pubs and more shop and of course primary school are in lancelin which is approx 15kms from ledge
Hi Katie,
Unfortunately I don’t have any more photos. Have you tried looking on Google Maps, Streetview style?
Take care
Hey love the photos looking at a house in ledge piont it is called 16 ledge piont rd 6043. Can you take some photos and upload them only i live in the uk . i would like to see the surriondings as well. Is thier any schools , doctors or shops round about?
katie aged 19
Hi Bec,
Thanks for pointing that out – proof reading doesn’t pick everything up! I’ve fixed it now.
Have a good day
Great website, I really enjoyed reading about these sites. just thought I’d point out though that the instructions direct drivers to turn right onto Wanneroo Rd from Joondalup Drive: if you do that you will be travelling in the wrong direction & will end up in the Wanneroo townsite – not Ledge Point. Happy camping!
G’day Brad,
Surprisingly, I haven’t heard of Breton Bay. I will be sure to check it out next time I head to Lancelin
OK, thanks. Have you ever heard of or been to Breton Bay? It looks like its between Ledge and Guilderton.
G’day Brad,
Unfortunately, I don’t know of any bush camping locations near Ledge Point. You have to be a certain distance from the nearest caravan park, which makes it difficult.
Do you know of any bush camping around Ledge or nearby towns?
Thanks for that information 🙂
The beach exit North of Ledge Point at the Robertson Road carpark has been CLOSED by request of the residents. This was in response to the sheer number of bikes and cars coming through at all times of the day and night. A line of boulders has been placed around the carpark to reinforce the closure. People have been cutting fences and making new paths into the dune system which is not desirable. It is making the 4×4 drivers quite unpopular within the town.
People travelling south from Lancelin should be advised to take the exit about 2km north of the town quite visible on google earth satellite pictures and close to the mobile dunes where 4 wheel driving is not as damaging to the fragile dune system.
Beach access to the south from Jones St is still open.
The off road area is available, and old ledge point road is suitable to get to the mobile dunes.
Thank you for your help!
Patagonia 🙂
Hey dude, what theme is your blog using? It’s amazing