Rowallan Park Camping just out of Mackay

We like finding campgrounds that are quiet, well priced and that the kids enjoy, and stumbling across Rowallan Park just out of Mackay was a perfect example of this. Rowallan Park is a scout camp, that is open to the public for camping, and we’d had good experiences at other Scout Camps, so we figured lets give it a whirl.

We’re still getting used to how green all of the Queensland Camp Sites are, and absolutely loving it.

Rowallan Park Camping
Camping at Rowallan Park along the fence line
Rowallan Park map
A map of the area, with some basic instructions

Where is Rowallan Park?

You’ll find this place about 15 minutes North West of Mackay, located at the end of a gravel road with a few pot holes in it. It’s easy to get into town, and just far enough out that you have a substantial amount of privacy, which is fantastic.

Mackay free water park
It’s not far into town, and to the great, free water park

What is there?

Rowallan Park is a big scout camp, with a massive mountain bike track at the top. This is used extensively by locals, and its got a nice, big sheltered area at the top which is the base. There’s a nice dam, lots of green grass, a paddock where the cows come right up to your camp site (on the other side of the fence), and there’s about 6 more formal camp sites, up against the fence (with a bit of a lean on each!).

Rowallan Park bike track
The mountain bike tracks here are epic

See more on our vlog

Keen to see more? Check out our vlog:

YouTube video

Amenities at Rowallan Park

Rowallan Park has water taps that are supposedly potable, but there are a number of comments complaining about its taste. We never tried it, but it is bore water (not that there’s anything wrong with this!).

There’s also a toilet and shower block, but its not designated to male and female, and that means you can be showering next to someone of a different sex, or using a toilet next to someone else. Again, not something that was overly concerning, but it was different to the norm!

These toilets are used by those coming to mountain bike, and we found them really good, but in need of a decent clean. There was a lot of grass, spiders and bugs around and it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a while.

Rowallan Park was dirty
The amenities were great, but needed a good clean

On top of this, you are right next to a massive series of downhill mountain bike tracks, which start off at a basic level for young kids (even those on balance bikes), and work there way into the more extreme tracks. Our kids had an absolute ball riding the tracks closest to camp (and at the top of the hill), and this alone is a huge drawcard. 

Rowallan Park Mountain Bike Tracks
The mountain bike tracks range from easy to insane, and there’s a heap of them

What does it cost?

Camping here is $15 a night, for an unpowered site. It’s pretty decent value, considering what you get.

Its a great base

I’ll happily admit feeling underwhelmed when we arrived, but after a little while, and a walk around the property it grew on me. There’s heaps of room for the kids to run around, it has the amenities that you need, the mountain bike tracks are fantastic, and its insanely quiet, which is always a good thing.

Rowallan Park views
There’s plenty of room, and its super quiet

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  1. Hi Sylvia,

    This isn’t our camp site – its just a review. Looking on their website though, dogs are not permitted

    All the best

  2. Sylvia Chapman says:

    Do you allow dogs to stay at your campsite? We will be travelling with the Nth Qld DULUX dog.