Quandong Point; great Dampier Peninsula Camping

Cape Leveque, or the Dampier Peninsula as its correctly termed is an incredible part of the coastline north of Broome on a recently completed bitumen road. There are a myriad of different places you can stop to spend the night, including Quandong Point. This is on the same road that you would go down to access Willie Creek Pearl Farm, Barred Creek and the beautiful James Price Point.

Quandong Point
Quandong Point is hugely popular

Where is Quandong Point?

You’ll find Quandong Point about 50 kilometres north of Broome. Its 10km north of Barred Creek, and 16km south of James Price Point.


Like most of the Dampier Peninsula camping, Quandong Point is just a beautiful coastal stretch, with lots of room to walk, fish and enjoy the area. Its very different to Barred Creek and James Price Point, but still worth a look.

Beach at Quandong Point
The coast is the main attraction here


More than likely the main attraction for many people here is that it doesn’t cost a cent. A lot of people visit for weeks (or months) on end, paying zero accommodation fees. Sure, there may not be any facilities, but Broome is not too far of a drive away to top up with water, fuel and food, and if you are set up to live off the grid it’s the perfect place to do so.

Camp grounds

There are a number of different spots along Quandong that you can stop and set up. Most of them are just cleared spots towards the top of the little cliffs, with a couple of bigger areas for larger groups.


There are zero facilities here. No toilet, no shower, no rubbish bins. You have to be able to bring enough food, fuel and water with you, as well as what you require for going to the toilet and shower.

What’s the road like going in?

The road from Broome to the top of the Dampier Peninsula and Cape Leveque is now completely bitumen, which makes for a very easy drive. To get to Quandong point though, you turn off and have to endure some pretty average corrugations and dips. Let your tyres down, take it easy and be prepared for traffic coming the other way. 

Barred Creek drive in
You’ll drive right past Barred Creek

Is it caravan friendly?

We saw a couple of caravans set up at Quandong Point. You can get them in there, but bear in mind the road conditions before you decide to take them in. I wouldn’t want to take anything in there that wasn’t at least mildly built for off road use.

There is not a whole lot of room to turn around on the tracks either, making large rigs a bit difficult to manoeuvre. Also, some of the tracks leading up to the camp sites can be a bit soft, so bear it in mind.

Track clearing at Quandong
Even we found some tracks that weren’t passable

We prefer Barred Creek and James Price Point

If you have a 4WD, Barred Creek is stunning, and if you want to drive even further James Price Point is absolutely amazing too. At the end of the day you probably won’t go wrong anywhere on the Dampier Peninsula, but we totally fell in love with many of the areas.

James Price Point
We completely fell in love with James Price Point

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