Major Clews Hut 4WD Track
We’re always on the hunt for 4WD tracks to do, and whilst staying at the stunning Behrs Flats on the Alpine Way, we headed off to do the Major Clews Hut 4WD track. This starts at Behrs Flats, and works its way past the Old Geehi hut on the Geehi Walls Trail, before getting to the Major Clews Hut.

There’s two parts of the 4WD track
The first part of the 4WD track takes you to Old Geehi Hut hut and Major Clews Hut along the Geehi Walls Trail, and then from Major Clews hut back to the Alpine Way you either turn back and go the same way, or take the Major Clews Trail up the hill, to the Alpine Way. We did both, because I wasn’t overly keen on doing the same thing backwards, and we really enjoyed it.

How long does the 4WD track take?
Including seeing both huts, you’re looking at about an hour and a half at a fairly leisurely pace, back to the Alpine Way. From there, its another 20 minutes back to camp down the bitumen, making it a pretty easy day trip out.

How difficult is the 4WD Track?
Newtracs rates the first part of the track as easy, and the second part of the track as medium. When we did it, you’d barely have to be in 4WD, with exception of the long climbs up, and a few sections downhill.
We did most of it in low range just to keep the automatic transmission temperatures happy, but there’s very little in the way of obstacles or difficulties. I’m sure this deteriorates from time to time, and it would depend on the weather, but it was a walk in the park when we did it.

Would we recommend doing it?
I reckon this 4WD is worth doing just to see the huts, and the area. The 4WD track itself is very tame, with nothing to get your heart beating (but there’s some nice drop offs towards the end!).
If you want real 4WD action then give this one a miss, but if you want to see the beautiful region, more of the stunning river and two historic huts, its worth a look.