The Drip; a stunning, easy walk

We’ve done a lot of walks in Australia, and as usual, some are better than others, and some require a lot more effort than others. The Drip though, is a ripper bang for your buck when it comes to effort vs reward, and if you are anywhere near Gulgong we highly recommend you check it out.

Checking out the Drip
The Drip is a spectacular, easy walk
Walking in the drip
The walk is stunning, and changes considerably

Where is The Drip?

You’ll find this walk roughly 25 minutes North East from Gulgong, and 45 minutes from Big River Camp. It’s off fully bitumen roads, near a coal mining operation that is easy enough to get to.

What’s there?

The Drip has drop toilets, a picnic area and a walk to the Drip itself, along a beautiful little creek. There’s also some parking for long vehicles or those towing trailers, which is greatly appreciated.

The Drip Walk
The Drip Walk sign

How long do you need to do the walk, and how hard is it?

The walk itself only takes about an hour return, and is really easy. There are some steps up and down, but for the most part it’s a very well formed track that we saw a whole variety of age and health people tackling. Towards the end you either go up to the lookout (only about 30 metres extra) or you go down to the Drip, which has a few larger rocks. You can explore further if you are keen, but the walk typically ends here, for you to turn around and head back.

Walking down the drip
The walk is very diverse, and stunning
The drip river
You follow a beautiful little creek to the end
At the end of the drip
At the end of the walk, unless you want to get wet
Magnificent views at the drip
The views are unreal

Camping nearby

We normally don’t do too many activities between leaving one camp site and getting to another, because we like to get setup and towing our camper around can be a bit of a pain. However, the Drip has excellent parking for long rigs, and then we cruised another 40 minutes down the road to Goulburn National Park, and spent a night at Big River Camp, which was really good.

Camped at Big River Camp
We left here and spent a night at Big River Camp up the road

If you’re looking for a magic, easy walk then the Drip is up there with the better ones we’ve done.

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