Camp oven stew; simple, tasty and perfect on a cold night
On a cold winters night, there’s not much better than a good camp oven stew with some fresh bread. There’s a million different recipes out there for different people, and if you find one that you like, hold onto it.
Ours is fairly simple, and when you combine this with the fact that its healthy and fool proof, you can’t go wrong. Combine it with some fresh bread or camp oven damper, and it always goes down a treat.
Simple camp cooking is essential for life on the road as no one wants to be spending hours cooking food, so it comfortably makes its way onto our 50 easy camp cooking meals post.

Diced red meat
Carrots, cut into slices
Potatoes, cut into chunks
Sweet Potato, cut into chunks
Pumpkin, cut into chunks
If your camp oven is clean, pre heat it and throw the meat in to brown it off. I’ll usually do this over the fire, so the meat browns up quickly whilst you stir it. Then, and then add the rest of the ingredients, and mix it all in.
You want a fair bit of water in the bottom for it to cook slowly away, and once you are happy put it on the edge of the fire with some coals on the bottom and top. You don’t want too much heat; this should cook over 2 – 3 hours with the longer the cook time the better.

Open it every hour or so to give it a stir and make sure that there’s still fluid available and that it isn’t cooking on the bottom, and when its all cooked you can take it out and serve it up.

We love having it with some fresh bread from the shops, or you can do a damper fairly easily that always goes down well too.