Gnomesville; a spectacular, unique spot worth a stop at

Western Australia is a truly world class destination. Its got some of the best beaches in the world, and plenty to see and do. There are some more quirky places to check out, and Gnomesville is high on that list. If you want to see what around 7000 Gnomes look like, you can head to this fantastic little place and explore it yourself.

What does 7000 gnomes look like?

Where is Gnomesville?

You’ll find this place not far from Wellington Dam in the Ferguson Valley. That makes it 31 minutes from Bunbury, 27 minutes from Collie and 18 minutes from Donnybrook. It’s fairly centrally located, and easy to add in as a destination on your way past.

Gnomes near the creek
The Ferguson Valley is stunning

Is it free?

There is no cost for visiting Gnomesville, and its one of the best activities you can do with little kids. We’ve been several times with ours, and they always have a ball. 

Gnomes near the creek
It doesn’t cost you a cent

How did Gnomesville start?

Back in the 1990’s, apparently a local resident left one gnome at the bottom of a tree, and people slowly brought in more. Gnomesville has had a rocky history, with some being destroyed by inconsiderate people, and washed away when a heap of rain came through.

Gnomesville is huge
It just grew, and grew, and grew

What’s at Gnomesville?

Gnomesville has gradually been growing, and improving. Today it has a designated car park off the road (accessible for even those towing caravans) and toilets. There’s a nice little boardwalk, map of the surrounding area and then thousands and thousands of little Gnomes. 

The creek and surrounding area is beautiful and well worth a look even without the gnomes. If you have children, they’ll have the time of their lives exploring all of the little nooks and crannies, and finding unique (and some rather rude!) gnomes.

Cooper and Oliver
Our kids enjoying the gnomes

Can you leave your own Gnomes?

It’s become a bit of a tradition for people to bring their own gnomes, and often those who’ve left them come back and try to find them. You can leave your own gnomes, but do it respectfully, and keep it outside of the neighbours property. There are clear signs showing the boundaries, and its brought a huge amount of tourism to the area.

Gnomesville Caravan
Lots of groups have left gnomes in the area
Edge of Gnomesville
Keep them in the area and you are fine

What else can you do in the region?

This part of WA is spectacular. The Ferguson Valley is one of the most picturesque locations around. We love Collie, Donnybrook and Wellington Dam.

Check out the Wellington Dam Mural, Potters Gorge Camp Ground, the brand new (and amazing) Lake Kepwari, art trail in Collie and buy yourself some fresh produce from the roadside stalls around Donnybrook.

Mural at Wellington Dam
The Wellington Dam Mural is incredible
Lake Kepwari
Check out Lake Kepwari
Black Diamond Lake
Visit the incredible Black Diamond Lake
Picnic at Collie River
Have a picnic along the beautiful rivers in Collie

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